Tafsir Zone - Surah 7: al-A`raf (The Elevated Places)

Tafsir Zone

Surah al-A`raf 7:199

Overview (Verses 199 - 201)

When and Where to Seek Refuge

Make due allowance for man’s nature, and enjoin the doing of what is right; and turn away from those who choose to remain ignorant. If a prompting from Satan stirs you up, seek refuge with God; He hears all and knows all. If those who are God-fearing experience a tempting thought from Satan, they bethink themselves [of God]; and they begin to see things clearly. (Verses 199-201)

The first directive given in this passage is to make allowances for the weaknesses of human beings and accept what is decent and easy from them. The Prophet is instructed not to require perfection or expect a very high standard of morality. He should overlook their shortfalls and weaknesses. But all that applies in personal matters, not in questions of faith or religious duties. There can be no overlooking of the essentials of faith or Islamic law. Forbearance can apply in business and personal dealings. Such forbearance is the appropriate attitude to be shown by those who are strong towards people who are weak. God’s Messenger (peace be upon him) is a guide and a teacher. Hence, forbearance and forgiveness are appropriate qualities for him. Indeed, these were distinctive qualities of the Prophet Muhammad. He never showed anger over personal matters. But if something related to the faith made him angry, then his anger was feared by all. All advocates of the divine faith are required to follow the Prophet’s suit. An advocate of the divine message, who inevitably deals with human beings, must be kind and easy, but without being negligent.

“Enjoin the doing of what is right.” (Verse 199) This order applies to everything that is clearly good and generally accepted as such by honest people with sound, uncorrupted nature. When people get used to doing what is good, they become ready to do it voluntarily, feeling that it is no burden. Nothing stops people from doing what is good like rigidity and complication particularly in the early days of being aware of their religious duties. In the early stages, they should be given duties that are easy and common to all so that they get used to responding properly. This enables people to get ready for what requires more effort and approach it without difficulty.

“And turn away from those who choose to remain ignorant.” (Verse 199) As used here, ignorance may be understood as the opposite of wisdom, or the opposite of knowledge. Both meanings are closely related. Turning away from them is just to ignore them and show how petty all their ignorant actions are. One must not enter into any argument with them because that is a waste of time. Ignoring them altogether may get them to revise their attitude and soften their hearts. Argument, on the other hand, may lead to polarization and stubbornness. Even if it does not soften their hearts, they remain isolated from anyone who is good at heart. The latter will realize that the advocates of the divine message are forbearing, unwilling to enter into a slanging match while ignorant people continue with their stupid attitude. Every advocate of faith should realize the importance of this divine directive, because God knows what influences people and what may get through to them.

But God’s Messenger is a human being. He may be infuriated by people’s ignorance and stupidity. If he can deal with such a situation, it may be too much for his followers. When a person is too angry, Satan might find a chance to stir him up. In such a situation, he is commanded to seek refuge with God so that he will cool down and forestall Satan’s design: “If a prompting from Satan stirs you up, seek refuge with God; He hears all and knows all.” (Verse 200) This final remark states that God hears whatever the ignorant people say and all the stupidities they may utter, and He knows what the advocates of the faith may experience as a result. That should be enough to set people’s hearts at ease. It is sufficient that God hears all and knows all. When we know that God is aware of everything that happens to us, what else do we need?

The sūrah takes a different approach in order to emphasize to the advocates of faith that they should face all situations with resigned acceptance, and they should remember God when they are angry so that Satan will not be able to get the better of them: “If those who are God-fearing experience a tempting thought from Satan, they bethink themselves [of God]; and they begin to see things clearly.” (Verse 201)

This short verse is highly inspiring, pointing out some profound facts within the human soul. This is made possible only through the unique Qur’ānic style. The way the verse is concluded adds new meanings to its beginning, which are not indicated by the opening words. The conclusion, “and they begin to see things clearly,” suggests that Satan’s thoughts can cause people to be blind, unable to see anything clearly. But fearing God and guarding against incurring His anger keeps hearts alert and reminds them of God’s guidance. When they are so reminded, they begin to see things clearly. A tempting thought from Satan is, then, a cause of blindness while the remembrance of God is a cause of opening eyes and hearts. Satan’s thoughts send people into darkness and turning to God gives them light. When people equip themselves with following divine guidance, Satan can have no power over them.