Tafsir Zone - Surah 3: Ale-Imran (The Family Of Imran )

Tafsir Zone

Surah Ale-Imran 3:113

Overview  (Verses 113 -117)

Different Ways, Different Ends
They are not all alike. Of the people of earlier revelations there are some upright people who recite the revelations of God in the depth of the night, and prostrate themselves in worship. They believe in God and the Last Day and enjoin the doing of what is right and forbid what is wrong and vie with one another in doing good works. These belong to the righteous. Whatever good they do, they shall never be denied its reward. God knows those who fear Him. As for the unbelievers, neither their riches nor their children will avail them in any way against God. It is they who are destined for the fire, where they will abide. Whatever they spend in this present life is like a biting, icy wind which smites the tilth of people who have wronged themselves, laying it to waste. It is not ‘God Who does them wrong; they wrong themselves. (Verses 113-117)

Here the sūrah reassures the good minority among the people of earlier revelations who take faith seriously. They are again singled out for praise. The passage begins with a statement that the people of earlier revelations are not all alike. Some of them are true believers. Their attitude to faith and to God is described as that of true believers. This merits them the same reward which God gives to His righteous servants.
It is a bright picture of the true believers among the people who received Divine revelations in the past. Their faith is genuine, profound, and complete. They have made their stand clear. They have joined the ranks of those who surrender themselves to God and defend this faith with all the power they possess. They believe in God and the Last Day. Moreover, they fulfil the duties required of them by their faith and give practical effect to the characteristics of the community which they have joined, the best community ever raised for mankind. They desire every good thing. They enjoin the doing of what is right and forbid what is wrong. They have set themselves a goal and they compete with one another for its achievement. That goal is to do good works. Hence, they merit this testimony that is given from on high stating that they belong to the righteous. They also have the promise, which never fails, that they will not be denied their reward. The verse adds that God, Who is aware of all things and all people, knows that they belong to that special group of people who genuinely fear Him.
This picture is raised in front of the eyes of those who wish to have a similar testimony and a similar promise. They have only to follow the same line and adopt the same attitude. They will then find its light spreading over the limitless horizon of their lives.
On the other side stand the unbelievers who will not benefit by their possessions or by their children. Nothing they may spend in this life for what they may consider to be a good cause will be of any avail to them. No reward is given them for it in the hereafter because it has not originated from the straight, constant line of goodness. Every good thing must have its foundation in belief in God which combines a clear concept, a well-defined goal, and a straight uninterrupted line. If it does not, it is reduced to a passing whim or an impulsive desire. It has no clear basis and it is not related to an overall way of life. As for the unbelievers, neither their riches nor their children will avail them in any way against God. It is they who are destined for the fire, where they will abide. Whatever they spend in this present life is like a biting, icy wind which smites the tilth of people who have wronged themselves, laying it to waste. It is not God Who does them wrong; they wrong themselves. (Verses 116-117)
This is a moving, vivid scene, full of life, and drawn in the fine Qur’ānic style. Their riches and their children will never protect them against God. They cannot be offered in ransom so that they escape punishment. They are destined for the fire of hell which will become their permanent abode. Whatever they spend of their money, even on causes which they believe to be good, is wasted. Nothing which does not have its foundation in faith can be good. The Qur’ān does not express the ideas it wants to convey in the same way as we would. Instead, it paints a scene full of life.
When we look up, we find a field ready to yield its crops. It is described as a tilth. But suddenly the wind blows. It is a biting, icy wind. Its strong bite devastates all the tilth. The Arabic word used here sounds like a missile thrown with violence. Its onomatopoeia adds to its meaning. In a single moment, all the crops of that field are destroyed, laid to waste.
It is only a moment which changes everything. All this devastation happens before one can even draw one’s breath. Nothing is left. This is the Qur’ānic way of describing what the unbelievers spend on what may seem to be good causes and what they count as their blessings of riches and children. All will be laid to waste giving them no enjoyment and no reward. “It is not God Who does them wrong; they wrong themselves.” It is they who have abandoned the way of life which groups together every single aspect of goodness and righteousness and makes of them a straight, consistent line with a recognised motive and a clear goal. Goodness does not stem from a momentary thought, a vague desire or a sudden impulse.
It is they who have chosen to be in error and to break loose from the protection offered by their bond with God. If all their actions are wasted, including what they may spend on seemingly good causes, and if their tilth is devastated and they can benefit nothing by wealth or children, this is not an injustice inflicted on them by God. It is they who are unjust to themselves by virtue of the choice they have made.
What we have here, then, is a clear statement that no reward is given for any donation to any cause and no value is attached to any work unless it is clearly linked to the way of life based on faith, and unless it is motivated by faith. It is God Who makes this statement. It cannot be contradicted, then, by any man. No one may argue with this statement except those who argue against God’s revelation.