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* Allah Almighty informs us of about the creation of Adam. He was made from:
Stage 1: Turab [dirt] – Madinan Surah: Ale-Imran 3:59 Stage 2: Teen [clay] – Makki Surah: Sad 38:71 Stage 3: Teen Lazib [sticky clay] – Makki Surah as-Saffat 37:11 Stage 4: Salsalin min Hama in Masnoon [clay from an altered black mud] – Makki Surah: al-Hijr 15:28 Stage 5: Salsalin kal-Fakhaar [clay – like that of pottery]- Makki Surah: ar-Rahman 55:14
We cannot know how the creation of Adam took place …unless we gathered the different Ayat...and it was after this that Allah blew into him his Spirit.
Explanatory Note
The birth of Jesus is indeed amazing when compared to what is familiar to man. It is, however, far from amazing when it is compared with the creation of Adam, the father of the human race. The people of earlier revelations who debated and argued about Jesus’s nature, because of his miraculous birth, and wove around him all sorts of legends and fantasies because he had no father, believed that Adam was created of dust, and that it was the breathing of God’s spirit into him which made of him a human being. They did not, however, weave any similar legends around Adam as they did around Jesus. They did not claim that Adam had any Divine nature. Yet, the very element which made Adam a human being is the same one which caused Jesus to be born without a father: God’s spirit was breathed into both Adam and Jesus. There was also the Divine command, “Be”, to initiate whatever God wanted to initiate and cause to come into existence.
We can, then, appreciate the simplicity of the creation of Jesus, Adam and all creatures. We find ourselves accepting it with ease and clarity. We indeed wonder why the birth of Jesus should lead to all these disputes and arguments when it took place according to God’s law which applies to all creation. We can also appreciate the method of the Qur’ān, the wise reminder, in addressing human nature with simple, realistic and natural logic which makes even the most complicated of matters appear to be so simple.