Surah al-A`raf (The Elevated Places) 7 : 73
Yusuf Ali
Qur'an Dictionary
Click word/image to view Qur'an Dictionary | ||
Word | Arabic word | |
(7:73:1) wa-ilā And to |
(7:73:2) |
(7:73:3) akhāhum (We sent) their brother |
(7:73:4) ṣāliḥan Salih |
(7:73:5) qāla He said |
(7:73:6) yāqawmi O my people |
(7:73:7) uʿ'budū Worship |
(7:73:8) l-laha Allah |
(7:73:9) |
(7:73:10) |
(7:73:11) |
(7:73:12) ilāhin god |
(7:73:13) ghayruhu other than Him |
(7:73:14) |
(7:73:15) jāatkum has come to you |
(7:73:16) bayyinatun a clear proof |
(7:73:17) |
(7:73:18) rabbikum your Lord |
(7:73:19) |
(7:73:20) nāqatu (is) a she-camel |
(7:73:21) l-lahi (of) Allah |
(7:73:22) |
(7:73:23) āyatan a Sign |
(7:73:24) fadharūhā So you leave her |
(7:73:25) takul (to) eat |
(7:73:26) |
(7:73:27) arḍi (the) earth |
(7:73:28) l-lahi (of) Allah |
(7:73:29) |
(7:73:30) tamassūhā touch her |
(7:73:31) bisūin with harm |
(7:73:32) fayakhudhakum lest seizes you |
(7:73:33) ʿadhābun a punishment |
(7:73:34) alīmun painful |
Explanatory Note
This is yet another episode in the history of mankind. Yet another sinking into ignorance and a confrontation between the truth and falsehood that ends in another destruction of the unbelievers.
“And to Thamūd [We sent) their brother Şāliĥ. He said: My people, worship God alone: you have no deity other than Him.’” (Verse 73) It is the same single statement with which the creation of man started and to which humanity will certainly return. It is also the same method of belief, direction, confrontation and delivery of the message. Here we also have an addition referring to the miracle which was given with the Prophet Şāliĥ’s message when his people demanded it in order to believe in him: “Clear evidence of the truth has come to you from your Lord. This she-camel belonging to God is a token for you.” (Verse 73)
As the sūrah gives a quick presentation of the history of faith, the results of believing in it and the consequences of its rejection, it does not go into the details of the people’s request for a miracle. It simply refers to its existence as soon as it has outlined the essence of the message given by the Prophet Şāliĥ. Nor does this sūrah give us any details about the she-camel other than describing it as “a clear evidence of the truth ... from your Lord ... a she-camel belonging to God ... a token from Him.” From all this we realize that she was a very special she- camel, or that she was brought up for them in an extraordinary way to make of her a clear proof, and to make its belonging to God particularly significant, confirming Şāliĥ’s prophethood. We refrain from adding anything about the she-camel which is not mentioned in this most accurate of sources. Indeed, what is mentioned here is more than sufficient.
“So leave her alone to pasture on God’s earth and do her no harm, lest grievous punishment befall you.” (Verse 73) Since she is God’s camel, then she should be left alone to graze on God’s earth, or else the warning will take effect.
After having given them the miracle and made the warning clear, Şāliĥ begins to counsel his people to remember and reflect, bearing in mind the fate of past nations. He also reminds them that it is their duty to show their gratitude for the power they have been given as successors to those nations.
3. Surah Overview
A study of its contents clearly shows that the period of its revelation is about the same as that of Surah 6: al-An’am (The Grazing Livestock), i.e. the last year of the Prophet's life at Makkah, but it cannot be asserted with certainty which of these two were sent down earlier. The manner of its admonition clearly indicates that it belongs to the same period. [Ref: Mawdudi]
It is considered the longest surah revealed during the Makkan period. Some consider this surah to have been revealed after Surah 38: Sad. [Ref: Tafsir al-Maudheei, Dr. Mustafah Muslim, vol. 3, p. 2]
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11. Tafsir Zone
Overview (Verses 73 - 79) Most Flagrant Defiance And to Thamūd [We sent) their brother Şāliĥ. He said: ‘My people, worship God alone: you have no deity other than Him. Clear evidence of the truth has come to you from your Lord. This she-camel belonging to God is a token for you, so leave her alone to pasture on God’s earth and do her no harm, lest grievous punishment befall you. Remember that He has made you the successors of `Ād and settled you firmly in the land. You build for yourselves palaces on its plains and carve out houses on the mountains. Remember, then, God’s favours and do not go about spreading corruption in the land.” The great ones among his people who gloried in their arrogance towards all who were deemed weak, said to the believers among them: “Do you really know that Şāliĥ is a Messenger sent by his Lord?” They answered: “We do believe in the message he has been sent with.” The arrogant ones said: “For our part, we reject what you believe in.” They cruelly slaughtered the she-camel, and insolently defied the commandment of their Lord, and said: “Şālīĥ, bring about the (punishment) with which you have threatened us, if you are truly one of (Gods) messengers.” Thereupon an earthquake overtook them and the morning found them lying lifeless on the ground in their very homes. He turned away from them, and said: `My people, I delivered to you my Lord’s message and counselled you sincerely, but you do not like those who give sincere counsel.” (Verses 73-79) This is yet another episode in the history of mankind. Yet another sinking into ignorance and a confrontation between the truth and falsehood that ends in another destruction of the unbelievers. “And to Thamūd [We sent) their brother Şāliĥ. He said: My people, worship God alone: you have no deity other than Him.’” (Verse 73) It is the same single statement with which the creation of man started and to which humanity will certainly return. It is also the same method of belief, direction, confrontation and delivery of the message. Here we also have an addition referring to the miracle which was given with the Prophet Şāliĥ’s message when his people demanded it in order to believe in him: “Clear evidence of the truth has come to you from your Lord. This she-camel belonging to God is a token for you.” (Verse 73) As the sūrah gives a quick presentation of the history of faith, the results of believing in it and the consequences of its rejection, it does not go into the details of the people’s request for a miracle. It simply refers to its existence as soon as it has outlined the essence of the message given by the Prophet Şāliĥ. Nor does this sūrah give us any details about the she-camel other than describing it as “a clear evidence of the truth ... from your Lord ... a she-camel belonging to God ... a token from Him.” From all this we realize that she was a very special she- camel, or that she was brought up for them in an extraordinary way to make of her a clear proof, and to make its belonging to God particularly significant, confirming Şāliĥ’s prophethood. We refrain from adding anything about the she-camel which is not mentioned in this most accurate of sources. Indeed, what is mentioned here is more than sufficient. “So leave her alone to pasture on God’s earth and do her no harm, lest grievous punishment befall you.” (Verse 73) Since she is God’s camel, then she should be left alone to graze on God’s earth, or else the warning will take effect. After having given them the miracle and made the warning clear, Şāliĥ begins to counsel his people to remember and reflect, bearing in mind the fate of past nations. He also reminds them that it is their duty to show their gratitude for the power they have been given as successors to those nations: “Remember that He has made you the successors of `Ād and settled you firmly in the land. You build for yourselves palaces on its plains and carve out houses on the mountains. Remember, then, God’s favours and do not go about spreading corruption in the land.” (Verse 74) We are not told here in which area the people of Thamūd lived, but we are told in another sūrah that they were at al-Ĥijr, which lies between Ĥijāz and Greater Syria. From Şāliĥ’s reminder we realize that the Thamūd were given power and affluence, and we can also visualize the nature of the area in which they lived. It incorporates plains and mountains, and they used to have their palaces in the plains and their homes in the mountains. We can conclude from this short statement that they were a civilized nation that excelled in architecture. Şāliĥ also reminds them that they were chosen to succeed the people of `Ād, although they did not live in the same area. It seems that theirs was the architectural civilization that flourished after that of `Ād. It also seems that their power extended beyond their own area, giving them added strength and making them feared by other nations. Hence, Şāliĥ warns them against being arrogant and conceited. He tells them not to spread corruption in the land, as the lesson of `Ād and their fate must not be lost on them. Here again we notice a gap in this story necessitated by the need for brevity. A section of Şāliĥ’s people have accepted the faith, while another section rejected it with arrogance. Those of high position are the last to believe in a faith which deprives them of personal power and attributes all power to God, the Lord of all the worlds. Hence, they inevitably try to punish the believers who have rebelled against tyranny by declaring their servitude to God alone, submitting to no one other than Him. Thus, we find the proud and arrogant chiefs of Thamūd very clear in their threats to those who have believed, particularly those who are weak: “The great ones among his people who gloried in their arrogance towards all who were deemed weak, said to the believers among them: Do you really know that Şāliĥ is a Messenger sent by his Lord?’” (Verse 75) It is clear that the question here implies a threat. The elders simply denounce them for their beliefs and ridicule them for accepting his statement that he has been sent by God. But those believers are no longer weak. Their faith has given them strength and self confidence as well as a powerful argument. They are certain of their position. So, what effect will the denunciation and the ridicule by the elders signify? “They answered: ‘We do believe in the message he has been sent with.’” (Verse 75) At this moment, the arrogant chiefs clearly identify their attitude which implies a strong warning: “For our part, we reject what you believe in.” (Verse 76) This is, then, what they say despite the clear proof given to Şāliĥ, which leaves no doubt in anybody’s mind. It is not the proof which those people needed in order to believe in the message. What turns them away from faith is the fact that their power and authority are threatened when they submit to the only Lord in the universe. It is their lust for power, a deeply rooted desire, which Satan manipulates in order to lead people astray. They did not wait long before carrying out their threat. They targeted for their assault the she-camel which was a token from God giving support to His Messenger. They slaughtered it despite their Prophet’s warnings that they would be severely punished if they harmed her: “They cruelly slaughtered the she-camel, and insolently defied the commandment of their Lord, and said: ‘Şāliĥ, bring about the (punishment) with which you have threatened us, if you are truly one of (God’s) messengers.’” (Verse 77) This is a clear example of the arrogance which goes hand in hand with disobedience, described here as ‘insolent defiance’ in order to point out those people’s frame of mind when they actually slaughtered the she-camel. It is this frame of mind that leads them to adopt their careless attitude, challenging the Prophet Şāliĥ to bring about their doom. The sūrah immediately declares the outcome, which is not given here in any detail: “Thereupon an earthquake overtook them and the morning found them lying lifeless on the ground in their homes.” (Verse 78) The earth quake and their lying lifeless are shown as a punishment that befits their arrogance. With an earthquake, fear strikes people. The way they laid lifeless shows total powerlessness. It is most fitting that an arrogant and insolent person should tremble with fear, and that an aggressor is deprived of all power. The punishment fits the crime and the image given here of their destiny is highly expressive. They are left in that position, lifeless on the ground to show us Şāliĥ as he saw those who had rejected and challenged him: “He turned away from them, and said: My people, I delivered to you my Lord’s message and counselled you sincerely, but you do not like those who give sincere counsel.” (Verse 79) He is simply seeking witnesses for his honesty and sincerity in delivering his message and giving sound advice to his people. He also makes it clear that he could not be blamed for the fate they brought upon themselves by their insolent defiance and rejection of God’s message. Yet another page of the history of the nations that rejected God’s message is turned over. Those who reject it anew must heed God’s warnings. |
Ibn Kathir (English)
Sayyid Qutb
Al Jalalain
الطبري - جامع البيان
ابن كثير - تفسير القرآن العظيم
القرطبي - الجامع لأحكام
البغوي - معالم التنزيل
ابن أبي حاتم الرازي - تفسير القرآن
ابن عاشور - التحرير والتنوير
ابن القيم - تفسير ابن قيّم
السيوطي - الدر المنثور
الشنقيطي - أضواء البيان
ابن الجوزي - زاد المسير
الآلوسي - روح المعاني
ابن عطية - المحرر الوجيز
الرازي - مفاتيح الغيب
أبو السعود - إرشاد العقل السليم
الزمخشري - الكشاف
البقاعي - نظم الدرر
الهداية إلى بلوغ النهاية — مكي ابن أبي طالب
القاسمي - محاسن التأويل
الماوردي - النكت والعيون
السعدي - تيسير الكريم الرحمن
عبد الرحمن الثعالبي - الجواهر الحسان
السمرقندي - بحر العلوم
أبو إسحاق الثعلبي - الكشف والبيان
الشوكاني - فتح القدير
النيسابوري - التفسير البسيط
أبو حيان - البحر المحيط
البيضاوي - أنوار التنزيل
النسفي - مدارك التنزيل
ابن جُزَيّ - التسهيل لعلوم التنزيل
علي الواحدي النيسابوري - الوجيز
السيوطي - تفسير الجلالين
المختصر في التفسير — مركز تفسير
Overview (Verses 73 - 79) Most Flagrant Defiance And to Thamūd [We sent) their brother Şāliĥ. He said: ‘My people, worship God alone: you have no deity other than Him. Clear evidence of the truth has come to you from your Lord. This she-camel belonging to God is a token for you, so leave her alone to pasture on God’s earth and do her no harm, lest grievous punishment befall you. Remember that He has made you the successors of `Ād and settled you firmly in the land. You build for yourselves palaces on its plains and carve out houses on the mountains. Remember, then, God’s favours and do not go about spreading corruption in the land.” The great ones among his people who gloried in their arrogance towards all who were deemed weak, said to the believers among them: “Do you really know that Şāliĥ is a Messenger sent by his Lord?” They answered: “We do believe in the message he has been sent with.” The arrogant ones said: “For our part, we reject what you believe in.” They cruelly slaughtered the she-camel, and insolently defied the commandment of their Lord, and said: “Şālīĥ, bring about the (punishment) with which you have threatened us, if you are truly one of (Gods) messengers.” Thereupon an earthquake overtook them and the morning found them lying lifeless on the ground in their very homes. He turned away from them, and said: `My people, I delivered to you my Lord’s message and counselled you sincerely, but you do not like those who give sincere counsel.” (Verses 73-79) This is yet another episode in the history of mankind. Yet another sinking into ignorance and a confrontation between the truth and falsehood that ends in another destruction of the unbelievers. “And to Thamūd [We sent) their brother Şāliĥ. He said: My people, worship God alone: you have no deity other than Him.’” (Verse 73) It is the same single statement with which the creation of man started and to which humanity will certainly return. It is also the same method of belief, direction, confrontation and delivery of the message. Here we also have an addition referring to the miracle which was given with the Prophet Şāliĥ’s message when his people demanded it in order to believe in him: “Clear evidence of the truth has come to you from your Lord. This she-camel belonging to God is a token for you.” (Verse 73) As the sūrah gives a quick presentation of the history of faith, the results of believing in it and the consequences of its rejection, it does not go into the details of the people’s request for a miracle. It simply refers to its existence as soon as it has outlined the essence of the message given by the Prophet Şāliĥ. Nor does this sūrah give us any details about the she-camel other than describing it as “a clear evidence of the truth ... from your Lord ... a she-camel belonging to God ... a token from Him.” From all this we realize that she was a very special she- camel, or that she was brought up for them in an extraordinary way to make of her a clear proof, and to make its belonging to God particularly significant, confirming Şāliĥ’s prophethood. We refrain from adding anything about the she-camel which is not mentioned in this most accurate of sources. Indeed, what is mentioned here is more than sufficient. “So leave her alone to pasture on God’s earth and do her no harm, lest grievous punishment befall you.” (Verse 73) Since she is God’s camel, then she should be left alone to graze on God’s earth, or else the warning will take effect. After having given them the miracle and made the warning clear, Şāliĥ begins to counsel his people to remember and reflect, bearing in mind the fate of past nations. He also reminds them that it is their duty to show their gratitude for the power they have been given as successors to those nations: “Remember that He has made you the successors of `Ād and settled you firmly in the land. You build for yourselves palaces on its plains and carve out houses on the mountains. Remember, then, God’s favours and do not go about spreading corruption in the land.” (Verse 74) We are not told here in which area the people of Thamūd lived, but we are told in another sūrah that they were at al-Ĥijr, which lies between Ĥijāz and Greater Syria. From Şāliĥ’s reminder we realize that the Thamūd were given power and affluence, and we can also visualize the nature of the area in which they lived. It incorporates plains and mountains, and they used to have their palaces in the plains and their homes in the mountains. We can conclude from this short statement that they were a civilized nation that excelled in architecture. Şāliĥ also reminds them that they were chosen to succeed the people of `Ād, although they did not live in the same area. It seems that theirs was the architectural civilization that flourished after that of `Ād. It also seems that their power extended beyond their own area, giving them added strength and making them feared by other nations. Hence, Şāliĥ warns them against being arrogant and conceited. He tells them not to spread corruption in the land, as the lesson of `Ād and their fate must not be lost on them. Here again we notice a gap in this story necessitated by the need for brevity. A section of Şāliĥ’s people have accepted the faith, while another section rejected it with arrogance. Those of high position are the last to believe in a faith which deprives them of personal power and attributes all power to God, the Lord of all the worlds. Hence, they inevitably try to punish the believers who have rebelled against tyranny by declaring their servitude to God alone, submitting to no one other than Him. Thus, we find the proud and arrogant chiefs of Thamūd very clear in their threats to those who have believed, particularly those who are weak: “The great ones among his people who gloried in their arrogance towards all who were deemed weak, said to the believers among them: Do you really know that Şāliĥ is a Messenger sent by his Lord?’” (Verse 75) It is clear that the question here implies a threat. The elders simply denounce them for their beliefs and ridicule them for accepting his statement that he has been sent by God. But those believers are no longer weak. Their faith has given them strength and self confidence as well as a powerful argument. They are certain of their position. So, what effect will the denunciation and the ridicule by the elders signify? “They answered: ‘We do believe in the message he has been sent with.’” (Verse 75) At this moment, the arrogant chiefs clearly identify their attitude which implies a strong warning: “For our part, we reject what you believe in.” (Verse 76) This is, then, what they say despite the clear proof given to Şāliĥ, which leaves no doubt in anybody’s mind. It is not the proof which those people needed in order to believe in the message. What turns them away from faith is the fact that their power and authority are threatened when they submit to the only Lord in the universe. It is their lust for power, a deeply rooted desire, which Satan manipulates in order to lead people astray. They did not wait long before carrying out their threat. They targeted for their assault the she-camel which was a token from God giving support to His Messenger. They slaughtered it despite their Prophet’s warnings that they would be severely punished if they harmed her: “They cruelly slaughtered the she-camel, and insolently defied the commandment of their Lord, and said: ‘Şāliĥ, bring about the (punishment) with which you have threatened us, if you are truly one of (God’s) messengers.’” (Verse 77) This is a clear example of the arrogance which goes hand in hand with disobedience, described here as ‘insolent defiance’ in order to point out those people’s frame of mind when they actually slaughtered the she-camel. It is this frame of mind that leads them to adopt their careless attitude, challenging the Prophet Şāliĥ to bring about their doom. The sūrah immediately declares the outcome, which is not given here in any detail: “Thereupon an earthquake overtook them and the morning found them lying lifeless on the ground in their homes.” (Verse 78) The earth quake and their lying lifeless are shown as a punishment that befits their arrogance. With an earthquake, fear strikes people. The way they laid lifeless shows total powerlessness. It is most fitting that an arrogant and insolent person should tremble with fear, and that an aggressor is deprived of all power. The punishment fits the crime and the image given here of their destiny is highly expressive. They are left in that position, lifeless on the ground to show us Şāliĥ as he saw those who had rejected and challenged him: “He turned away from them, and said: My people, I delivered to you my Lord’s message and counselled you sincerely, but you do not like those who give sincere counsel.” (Verse 79) He is simply seeking witnesses for his honesty and sincerity in delivering his message and giving sound advice to his people. He also makes it clear that he could not be blamed for the fate they brought upon themselves by their insolent defiance and rejection of God’s message. Yet another page of the history of the nations that rejected God’s message is turned over. Those who reject it anew must heed God’s warnings. |