Surah al-Hujurat (The Chambers ) 49 : 5

وَلَوْ أَنَّهُمْ صَبَرُوا۟ حَتَّىٰ تَخْرُجَ إِلَيْهِمْ لَكَانَ خَيْرًا لَّهُمْ ۚ وَٱللَّهُ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ


 Muhsin Khan
 Yusuf Ali
Quran Project
And if they had been patient until you [could] come out to them, it would have been better for them. But Allāh is Forgiving and Merciful.

1. Lessons/Guidance/Reflections/Gems

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Explanatory Note

The ninth year of the Islamic calendar is called 'The year of delegations' because delegations from all over Arabia arrived in Madinah to embrace Islam and pledge their loyalty to the Prophet. The sirah refers to an incident that took place that year when the delegation of Tamim arrived. These were unrefined Bedouins. They shouted to the Prophet from outside his wives' apartments that were situated next to the mosque: "Muhammad, come out and speak to us!" The Prophet disliked their uncivilized manner. Hence, the next verse of the surah was revealed: "Those who call out to you from without your private apartments are for the most part people who do not use their reason. If they had the patience to wait until you went out to them, it would be for their own good. Still God is much forgiving, merciful." (Verses 4-5)

Thus does God describe most of them as being without reason. He censures their calling out to the Prophet in a way that is contrary to the sort of respect that should be shown to God's Messenger, the leader and educator of the community of believers. He explains to them that it better behoved them to wait patiently until the Prophet came out to them of his own accord. Furthermore, the surah highlights to them the value of repentance, making it clear that they should seek God's forgiveness and pray to Him to bestow His mercy on them.

2. Linguistic Analysis

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Frequency of Root words in this Ayat used in this Surah *

3. Surah Overview

4. Miscellaneous Information

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5. Connected/Related Ayat

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6. Frequency of the word

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7. Period of Revelation

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This Surah is a collection of the commandments and instructions sent down on different occasions. Moreover, the hadith also show that most of these commandments were sent down during the final stage of the Prophet’s life at Madinah. For instance, the commentators of the Qur’an state that verse 4 was sent down concerning the Bani Tamim. This deputation had arrived in Madinah and started calling out to the Prophet from outside the apartments (hujurat) of his wives, and according to all biographical books on the Prophet’s life this deputation had visited Madinah in 9 A.H. Likewise, verse 6, a large number of the hadith confirm that it was sent down concerning Walid bin Uqbah whom the Prophet had sent to collect the financial obligation (Zakah) from the Bani al-Mustaliq, and it is known that he had become a Muslim on the conquest of Makkah.

8. Reasons for Revelation

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9. Relevant Hadith

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10. Wiki Forum

Comments in this section are statements made by general users – these are not necessarily explanations of the Ayah – rather a place to share personal thoughts and stories…

11. Tafsir Zone


12. External Links

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