Surah an-Nisa' (Women ) 4 : 174

يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلنَّاسُ قَدْ جَآءَكُم بُرْهَٰنٌ مِّن رَّبِّكُمْ وَأَنزَلْنَآ إِلَيْكُمْ نُورًا مُّبِينًا


 Muhsin Khan
 Yusuf Ali
Quran Project
O mankind, there has come to you a conclusive proof from your Lord, and We have sent down to you a clear light.

1. Lessons/Guidance/Reflections/Gems

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Explanatory Note

Again, the Qur’ān brings its own proof to mankind from their Lord: “Mankind, a clear proof has now come to you from your Lord.” The Divine mark is apparent in the Qur’ān which distinguishes it from what human beings say or write in both construction and message. This is so clear that it is sometimes acknowledged, quite remarkably, by people who do not understand Arabic at all.

The Qur’ān also provides light: “And We have sent down to you a glorious light.” It is a light which lays bare the very nature of things, and defines the parting of the ways of truth and falsehood within man himself and in human life altogether. When it is properly appreciated, this light gives man the ability to see himself and everything around him clearly, without anything covering its nature or presenting itself in a false light or position. Everything then becomes clear and simple so that man wonders how he could not see it so clearly and simply before he was able to benefit by the light of the Qur’ān.




2. Linguistic Analysis

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Frequency of Root words in this Ayat used in this Surah *

3. Surah Overview

4. Miscellaneous Information

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5. Connected/Related Ayat

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6. Frequency of the word

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7. Period of Revelation

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This Surah comprises several discourses which were revealed on different occasions during the period ranging probably between the end of year 3 A.H. and the end of 4 A.H. or the beginning of 5 A.H. Although it is difficult to determine the exact dates of their revelations it is possible to assign to them a fairly correct period with the help of the Commandments and the events mentioned therein. A few instances are given below by way of illustration:

1. We know that the inheritance law for those martyred and protection for the rights of the orphans was sent down after the Battle of Uhud (in which 70 Muslims were martyred). From this we conclude that v. 1 -28 were revealed on that occasion.

2. We learn from the traditions that the ruling regarding the prayer (Salah) during war time was given on the occasion of the Zat-ur-Riqa’aan expedition. This took place in 4 A.H. From this we conclude that the discourse containing v. 102 was revealed on that occasion.

3. The last warning to the Jews was given before the Banu-Nadheer were exiled from Madinah in Rabi’-ulAwwal 4 A.H. It may therefore be assumed that the discourse containing v. 47 was revealed before that date.

4. The permission about performing ablution with dust in the event of no water (tayammum) verse 43, was given during the Bani-al-Mustaliq expedition which took place in 5 A.H. [REF: Mawdudi]

8. Reasons for Revelation

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Let us now consider the social and historical considerations of the period in order to understand the Surah. All the discourses in this Surah deal with three main problems which confronted the Prophet at the time. First of all he was engaged in bringing about an all round development of the islamic Community that had been formed at the time of his migration to Madinah. For this purpose he was introducing new moral cultural social economic and political ways in place of the old ones of the pre-islamic period. The second thing that occupied his attention and efforts was the bitter struggle that was going on with the polytheist Arabs, the Jewish clans and the hypocrites who were opposing tooth and nail his mission of reform. Above all, he had to propagate Islam in the face of the bitter opposition of these powers of evil with a view to capturing more and more minds and hearts.

Accordingly detailed instructions have been given for the consolidation and strengthening of the islamic Community in continuation of those given in Surah 2: Al-Baqarah (The Cow). Principles for the smooth running of family life have been laid down and ways of settling family disputes have been taught. Rules have been prescribed for marriage and rights of wife and husband have been apportioned fairly and equitably. The status of women in the society has been determined and the declaration of the rights of orphans has been made. Laws and regulations have been laid down for the division of inheritance and instructions have been given to reform economic affairs. The foundation of the penal code has been laid down, drinking has been prohibited and instructions have been given for cleanliness and purity. The Muslims have been taught the kind of relations good men should have with their God and fellow men. Instructions have been given for the maintenance of discipline in the Muslim Community.

The moral and religious condition of The People of the Book (Jews and Christians) has been reviewed to teach lessons to the Muslims and to forewarn them to refrain from following in their footsteps. The conduct of the hypocrites has been criticized and the distinctive features of hypocrisy and true faith have been clearly marked off to enable the Muslims to distinguish between the two. In order to cope with the aftermath of the Battle of Uhud, Inspiring discourses were sent down to urge the Muslims to face the enemy bravely, for defeat in the Battle had so emboldened the polytheist Arab clans and the neighbouring Jews and the hypocrites at home, that they were threatening the Muslims on all sides. At this critical juncture God filled the Muslims with courage and gave them such instructions as were needed during that period of war clouds. In order to counteract the fearful rumours that were being spread by the hypocrites and the Muslims of weak faith they were asked to make a thorough enquiry into them and to inform the responsible people about them. Then they were experiencing some difficulties in offering their prayer during the expeditions to some places where no water was available for performing their ablutions etc. In such cases they were allowed to cleanse themselves with pure earth and to shorten the prayer or to offer the “Prayer of Fear” when they were faced with danger. Instructions were also given for the solution of the puzzling problem of those Muslims who were scattered among the unbelieving Arab clans and were often involved in war. They were asked to migrate to Madinah the abode of Islam.

This Surah also deals with the case of Banu nadir who were showing a hostile and menacing attitude in spite of the peace treaties they had made with the Muslims. They were openly siding with the enemies of Islam and hatching plots against the Prophet and the Muslim Community even at Madinah itself. They were taken to task for their inimical behaviour and given a final warning to change their attitude and were at last exiled from Madinah on account of their misconduct.

The problem of the hypocrites, who had become very troublesome at that time, was involving the Believers in difficulties. Therefore, they were divided into different categories to enable the Muslims to deal with them appropriately. Clear instructions were also given regarding the attitude they should adopt towards the non-belligerent clans. The most important thing needed at that time was to prepare the Muslims for the bitter struggle with the opponents of Islam. For this purpose greatest importance was attached to their character building, for it was obvious that the small Muslim Community could only come out successful, nay, survive, if the Muslims possessed high moral character. They were, therefore, enjoined to adopt the highest moral qualities and were severely criticized whenever any moral weakness was detected in them.

Though this Surah mainly deals with the moral and social reforms, yet due attention has been paid to propagation of Islam. On the one hand, the superiority of the islamic morality and culture has been established over that of the Jews, Christians and polytheists; on the other hand, their wrong religious conceptions, their wrong morality and their evil acts have been criticized to prepare the ground for inviting them to the way of the Truth. 

9. Relevant Hadith

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10. Wiki Forum

Comments in this section are statements made by general users – these are not necessarily explanations of the Ayah – rather a place to share personal thoughts and stories…

11. Tafsir Zone


Overview (Verses 174 - 175)

A Glorious Light to Remove All Doubt
As the sūrah moves to its conclusion, it makes a general call to all mankind, similar to the one that followed the confrontation with the Jews earlier in the sūrah. It tells people that this final message brings its own proof from God and that it is a glorious light which removes all doubt. Those who accept its guidance will receive God’s mercy and His grace. They will find themselves guided by this light along a straight path.
Mankind, a clear proof has now come to you from your Lord, and We have sent down to you a glorious light. Those who believe in God and hold fast to Him, will He surely admit to His mercy and grace, and will guide them to Himself along a straight path. (Verses 174-175)
Again, the Qur’ān brings its own proof to mankind from their Lord: “Mankind, a clear proof has now come to you from your Lord.” (Verse 174) The Divine mark is apparent in the Qur’ān which distinguishes it from what human beings say or write in both construction and message. This is so clear that it is sometimes acknowledged, quite remarkably, by people who do not understand Arabic at all.
We were once travelling by sea across the Atlantic towards our destination, New York. We, six passengers from different Arab countries and most of the crew who came from Nubia in the remote south of Egypt, organised Friday Prayer. It was left to me to deliver the sermon, in which I included several verses from the Qur’ān. All the passengers on board gathered around us to watch.
After we finished Prayer, many passengers came to express to us their admiration for our worship. One of them was a Yugoslav lady fleeing the tyranny of Communism, hoping to settle in the United States. There were tears in her eyes and her voice was trembling as she said in broken English: “I cannot hide my great admiration of your remarkable Prayer. However, this is not what I want to say. I do not understand a single word of your language but I feel that it has an exceptional rhythm which I have not come across in any other language. There were certain paragraphs in the sermon which were even more remarkable and had a greater effect on me.”
It was clear that she was referring to the Qur’ānic verses that I had included in the speech, because these have their own special rhythm. I do not say that this applies to everyone who does not speak Arabic, but it is certainly very significant.
As for those who know this language and understand its style and can appreciate its finer expressions and methods of construction, theirs was a special case when they were presented with the Qur’ān by Muĥammad, God’s Messenger, (peace be upon him). We know the famous story of al-Akhnas ibn Sharīq, Abū Sufyān and Abū Jahl, three of the fiercest opponents of Islam, when they sought to listen to the Qur’ān secretly under the cover of darkness. They came only to listen to the Qur’ān, when the Quraysh tribe had decided not to listen to anything the Prophet said. Nevertheless, these Quraysh leaders came out individually, none knowing anything about what the other two were doing, and none realising that he had companions doing the same thing as he. They sat there, outside the place where the Prophet and his few followers were reading the Qur’ān, to listen to it. At dawn, they went back, hoping to arrive home before anyone could see them. But they met on the road and each then blamed the others. They pledged to one another that they would never do it again. However, all three did the same thing for three consecutive nights, before they made a solemn pledge never to repeat their deed. This is only one among many similar stories. People who appreciate fine style can understand the unique nature of the Qur’ān and its captivating effect on people and the clear proof it provides of the truthfulness of its message.
We cannot speak in detail here on the subject matter of the Qur’ān, the concept of life it presents, its approach to human life and the system it lays down. In each of these, we have a clear proof of its origin and that it can never be the word of man. It carries the mark of its author, God, the Glorious.
The Qur’ān also provides light: “And We have sent down to you a glorious light.” (Verse 174) It is a light which lays bare the very nature of things, and defines the parting of the ways of truth and falsehood within man himself and in human life altogether. When it is properly appreciated, this light gives man the ability to see himself and everything around him clearly, without anything covering its nature or presenting itself in a false light or position. Everything then becomes clear and simple so that man wonders how he could not see it so clearly and simply before he was able to benefit by the light of the Qur’ān.
When man allows his soul to be guided by the Qur’ān and receives from it its values and standards, he feels that he has acquired a new element, one which allows him to see all matters with perfect ease and clarity. Many things that used to worry him now fall into place, all appearing as part of a general system, which is simple, natural and clear.
We can dwell at great length on this expression: “and We have sent down to you a glorious light”. But whatever we say, we will never be able to describe its message in our own words and we cannot impart its significance to anyone who has not experienced it. Such concepts can only be appreciated by personal experience.
“Those who believe in God and hold fast to Him, will He surely admit to His mercy and grace, and will guide them to Himself along a straight path.” (Verse 175) Holding fast to God is an essential quality of faith, when it is properly understood and held. When man appreciates the true nature of God and the fact that all creation are His servants, he realises that his own choice is to hold fast to God alone who has all power over all things. He admits to His mercy and grace those who hold fast to Him. These aspects are shown them in this life as they benefit by the reassurance of faith and spare themselves all the worry experienced by those who have no faith. Moreover, it provides the basis upon which the life of the community and its system is established, clean, free, honest and dignified. Everyone knows his proper place. He is a servant of God and a person of great honour in relation to everyone else. This is something unique to the system of faith as provided by Islam, the system that frees people from service to other creatures, and which makes them submit to God alone. It ensures their absolute equality as it gives all sovereignty to God alone.
The believers, then, enjoy God’s mercy and grace in this life as well as in the life to come. He “will guide them to Himself along a straight path.” The phrase, “to Himself”, adds an exceptional measure of vividness to this expression, as it portrays the believers being guided by God along the path which is straight and which leads them to Him, step by step. Anyone who consciously believes in God and confidently holds fast to Him will appreciate this expression for he feels himself being guided at every moment in his life and before every step. He or she realises that they are drawing closer to God along a straight path. But this cannot be properly appreciated except by those who experience it.

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