Surah al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage ) 22 : 66

وَهُوَ ٱلَّذِىٓ أَحْيَاكُمْ ثُمَّ يُمِيتُكُمْ ثُمَّ يُحْيِيكُمْ ۗ إِنَّ ٱلْإِنسَٰنَ لَكَفُورٌ


 Muhsin Khan
 Yusuf Ali
Quran Project
And He is the one who gave you life; then He causes you to die and then will [again] give you life. Indeed, the human being is ungrateful.

1. Lessons/Guidance/Reflections/Gems

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Explanatory Note

The sūrah completes its reference to aspects of God’s power and the perfection of natural laws by speaking of the human soul. It talks of human existence, life and death. The first life is a miracle renewed with every child born at every moment of the night and day. Its secret continues to fill man’s mind with wonder and to leave a vast area for us to contemplate. Death is also a secret that man cannot fathom. It occurs within a brief moment, yet the gulf between the nature of life and that of death is vast indeed, leaving a similarly vast area for contemplation. Life after death is something that lies beyond our faculties of perception, but our present life provides ample evidence for it. This is a further area for contemplation.

Yet man seldom reflects or contemplates, because man is "bereft of all gratitude." The sūrah shows all these aspects and draws our attention to them within the context of assuring victims of oppression that they will have God’s support as they try to repel such hostility. Such is the Qur’ānic method in using universal scenes to arouse human feelings, and in linking the laws of justice to the laws governing universal existence.

2. Linguistic Analysis

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Frequency of Root words in this Ayat used in this Surah *

3. Surah Overview

4. Miscellaneous Information

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5. Connected/Related Ayat

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6. Frequency of the word

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7. Period of Revelation

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As this Surah contains the characteristics of both the Makkan and the Madīnan Surahs the commentators have differed as to its period of revelation but in the light of its style and themes we are of the opinion that a part of it (v. 1-24) was sent down in the last stage of the Makkan life of the Prophet a little before migration and the rest (v. 25-78) during the first stage of his Madinah life. That is why this Surah combines the characteristics of both the Makkan and the Madinah Surahs.

According to Ibn Abbas, Mujahid, Qatadah and other great commentators, v. 39 is the first verse that grants the Muslims permission to wage war. Collections of hadith and books on the life of the Prophet confirm that after this permission actual preparations for war were started and the first expedition was sent to the coast of the Red Sea in Safar 2 A.H. which is known as the Expedition of Waddan or Al-Abwa.

8. Reasons for Revelation

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9. Relevant Hadith

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10. Wiki Forum

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11. Tafsir Zone


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