Surah al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage ) 22 : 31
Yusuf Ali
Qur'an Dictionary
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Word | Arabic word | |
(22:31:1) ḥunafāa Being upright |
(22:31:2) lillahi to Allah |
(22:31:3) ghayra not |
(22:31:4) mush'rikīna associating partners |
(22:31:5) |
(22:31:6) |
(22:31:7) yush'rik associates partners |
(22:31:8) bil-lahi with Allah |
(22:31:9) |
(22:31:10) kharra he had fallen |
(22:31:11) |
(22:31:12) l-samāi the sky |
(22:31:13) fatakhṭafuhu and (had) snatched him |
(22:31:14) l-ṭayru the birds |
(22:31:15) |
(22:31:16) tahwī had blown |
(22:31:17) |
(22:31:18) l-rīḥu the wind |
(22:31:19) |
(22:31:20) makānin a place |
(22:31:21) saḥīqin far off |
Explanatory Note
What God wants of all people is that they should steer away from all types of associating partners with Him, as also steer away from saying anything untrue. They must maintain in absolute purity their belief in God’s oneness: “Be true to God, turning away from all that is false, associating no partners with Him.” The sūrah then paints a violent scene of a person who slips away from this pure concept of God’s oneness, and who falls into the depths of associating partners with Him. He is totally lost, as though he has never come to life. “For he who associates partners with God is like one who is hurling down from the skies; whereupon he is snatched by the birds, or blown away by the wind to a far-off place.”
In this scene we see a person falling from a great height, so as to be hurling down from the skies.’ In no time, he breaks into pieces, and is snatched by the birds.’ Alternatively, he may be blown away by the wind or thrown into a bottomless depth. We note here the rapid and violent movement, with scenes shown in quick succession and then disappearing completely.
It is a very true picture and an apt description of one who associates partners with God. He falls from the sublime height of faith to land where he is totally lost, as he deprives himself of the firm basis of belief in God’s oneness. He is also deprived of the haven to which he could have returned safely. Hence, he is snatched away by his desires, like one who is snatched by birds of prey. False beliefs and myths throw him off course, just like storms might do. How could he avoid such a fate when he has abandoned the most firm bond and the solid foundation that provides him with a firm link with the world around him?
3. Surah Overview
As this Surah contains the characteristics of both the Makkan and the Madīnan Surahs the commentators have differed as to its period of revelation but in the light of its style and themes we are of the opinion that a part of it (v. 1-24) was sent down in the last stage of the Makkan life of the Prophet a little before migration and the rest (v. 25-78) during the first stage of his Madinah life. That is why this Surah combines the characteristics of both the Makkan and the Madinah Surahs.
According to Ibn Abbas, Mujahid, Qatadah and other great commentators, v. 39 is the first verse that grants the Muslims permission to wage war. Collections of hadith and books on the life of the Prophet confirm that after this permission actual preparations for war were started and the first expedition was sent to the coast of the Red Sea in Safar 2 A.H. which is known as the Expedition of Waddan or Al-Abwa.
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Ibn Kathir (English)
Sayyid Qutb
Al Jalalain
الطبري - جامع البيان
ابن كثير - تفسير القرآن العظيم
القرطبي - الجامع لأحكام
البغوي - معالم التنزيل
ابن أبي حاتم الرازي - تفسير القرآن
ابن عاشور - التحرير والتنوير
ابن القيم - تفسير ابن قيّم
السيوطي - الدر المنثور
الشنقيطي - أضواء البيان
ابن الجوزي - زاد المسير
الآلوسي - روح المعاني
ابن عطية - المحرر الوجيز
الرازي - مفاتيح الغيب
أبو السعود - إرشاد العقل السليم
الزمخشري - الكشاف
البقاعي - نظم الدرر
الهداية إلى بلوغ النهاية — مكي ابن أبي طالب
القاسمي - محاسن التأويل
الماوردي - النكت والعيون
السعدي - تيسير الكريم الرحمن
عبد الرحمن الثعالبي - الجواهر الحسان
السمرقندي - بحر العلوم
أبو إسحاق الثعلبي - الكشف والبيان
الشوكاني - فتح القدير
النيسابوري - التفسير البسيط
أبو حيان - البحر المحيط
البيضاوي - أنوار التنزيل
النسفي - مدارك التنزيل
ابن جُزَيّ - التسهيل لعلوم التنزيل
علي الواحدي النيسابوري - الوجيز
السيوطي - تفسير الجلالين
المختصر في التفسير — مركز تفسير