Surah Yunus (Jonah) 10 : 98
Yusuf Ali
Qur'an Dictionary
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Word | Arabic word | |
(10:98:1) |
(10:98:2) kānat was |
(10:98:3) qaryatun any town |
(10:98:4) āmanat that believed |
(10:98:5) fanafaʿahā and benefited it |
(10:98:6) īmānuhā its faith |
(10:98:7) illā except |
(10:98:8) qawma the people |
(10:98:9) |
(10:98:10) |
(10:98:11) āmanū they believed |
(10:98:12) kashafnā We removed |
(10:98:13) |
(10:98:14) ʿadhāba (the) punishment |
(10:98:15) l-khiz'yi (of) the disgrace |
(10:98:16) |
(10:98:17) l-ḥayati the life |
(10:98:18) l-dun'yā of the world |
(10:98:19) wamattaʿnāhum and We granted them enjoyment |
(10:98:20) ilā for |
(10:98:21) ḥīnin a time |
Explanatory Note
The sūrah does not provide a detailed account of the history of the Prophet Jonah and his people. It only refers to their end, because this is what is relevant here. It is sufficient that we learn that Jonah’s people were about to suffer a humiliating punishment. Then, when, at the last minute, they declared their acceptance of the divine faith and believed in God and His message, the punishment was lifted and they were allowed to enjoy life for a while. Had they persisted in their disbelief, God’s punishment would have overtaken them, in accordance with the law that determines consequences on the basis of people’s actions.
This makes two points very clear. The first is an urgent address to those who deny the truth to save themselves if only at the last minute, as Jonah’s people did. This is the immediate purpose behind the reference to their history. The second point is that God’s law was not suspended or disrupted when the punishment was lifted and Jonah’s people were left to enjoy life for a further period. In fact God’s law took its full course. The law meant that they would be punished if they persisted in disbelief up to the point of punishment. But Jonah’s people changed their attitude just before, and so God’s law to lift the punishment was implemented. This shows that people are free to choose their line of action, but any action they do choose will have its natural consequences determined by God.
3. Surah Overview
We learn from hadith the Surah was revealed in Makkah. But there are some people who are of the opinion that some of its verses were revealed at Madinah. This is however a superficial view. The continuity of the theme clearly shows that this does not comprise isolated verses or discourses that were revealed at different times and on different occasions. On the contrary it is from the beginning to the end a closely connected discourse which must have been revealed at one sitting. Besides this the nature of its theme is itself a clear proof that the Surah belongs to the Makkan period. [Ref: Mawdudi]
Some consider it to have been revealed after Surah al-Isra [17] and before Hud [11] – which would place it around year 11 of Prophethood.[Ref: Ibn Ashoor, Tahrir wa Tanwir]
We have no hadith in regard to the time of its revelation but its subject matter gives clear indication that it must have been revealed during the last stage of the Prophet’s residence at Makkah. For the mode of the discourse suggests that at the time of its revelation the antagonism of the opponents of the Message had become so intense that they could not tolerate even the presence of the Prophet and his followers among themselves and that things had come to such a pass as to leave no hope that they would ever understand and accept the Message of the Prophet. This indicates that the last stage of the Prophet’s life among the people had come and the final warning like the one in this Surah had to be given. These characteristics of the discourse are clear proof that it was revealed during the last stage of the Movement at Makkah. Another thing that determines more specifically the order of the Surahs of the last stage at Makkah is the mention (or absence) of some open or covert hint about emigration (Hijrah) from Makkah. As this Surah does not contain any hint whatsoever about this it is a proof that it preceded those Surahs which contain it. Now that we have specified the time of its revelation there is no need of repeating its historical background because that has already been stated in Surah 6: al-An’am (The Grazing Livestock) and Surah 7: al-A’raf (The Elevations).
10. Wiki Forum
11. Tafsir Zone
Overview (Verses 98 - 100) “Had it believed, every community would have profited by its faith. It was so only with Jonah’s people. When they believed, We lifted from them the suffering of disgrace in this life, and allowed them to enjoy things for a while.” (Verse 98) The way this verse is phrased expresses a dear wish concerning past events. This means that what was hoped for did not take place. ‘Had it believed, every community’ of those that have been mentioned would have profited by accepting the faith. But these communities did not believe as whole communities. Only a minority of each community accepted the divine faith. Hence, disbelief was the predominant feature of these communities. Jonah’s people were the one exception. This verse uses the term ‘town’ to refer to communities thereby indicating that God’s messages were centred in urban areas, and not among nomadic peoples. The sūrah does not provide a detailed account of the history of the Prophet Jonah and his people. It only refers to their end, because this is what is relevant here. It is sufficient that we learn that Jonah’s people were about to suffer a humiliating punishment. Then, when, at the last minute, they declared their acceptance of the divine faith and believed in God and His message, the punishment was lifted and they were allowed to enjoy life for a while. Had they persisted in their disbelief, God’s punishment would have overtaken them, in accordance with the law that determines consequences on the basis of people’s actions. This makes two points very clear. The first is an urgent address to those who deny the truth to save themselves if only at the last minute, as Jonah’s people did. This is the immediate purpose behind the reference to their history. The second point is that God’s law was not suspended or disrupted when the punishment was lifted and Jonah’s people were left to enjoy life for a further period. In fact God’s law took its full course. The law meant that they would be punished if they persisted in disbelief up to the point of punishment. But Jonah’s people changed their attitude just before, and so God’s law to lift the punishment was implemented. This shows that people are free to choose their line of action, but any action they do choose will have its natural consequences determined by God. This is followed by a general rule concerning faith and its acceptance or rejection: “Had your Lord so willed, all people on earth, in their entirety, would have believed. Do you, then, try to compel people to believe? No human being can believe, except by God’s leave. It is He who lays abomination on those who will not use their reason.” (Verses 99-100) Had God so willed, He would have created the human race in a different mould, allowing it to know only the path of faith, as He has done with the angels. Or He would have given human beings a single susceptibility leading them all to acceptance of the faith. In His wisdom, which we may or may not understand, God has created man with a dual susceptibility towards good and evil, to follow guidance or sink into error. He has given man free-will to choose his path. Furthermore, God has so willed that when any human being uses his feelings and faculties to understand the signs pointing to the way to faith, and when he reflects on the revelations and proofs given by God’s messengers, he will accept the divine faith. His belief will lead him along the way to salvation. On the other hand, when man shuts his mind and faculties to faith, his heart will be hardened and his mind closed. This leads him to deny the truth and, in consequence, to suffer the punishment God has determined for all unbelievers. This means that accepting the faith is a matter of choice. The Prophet does not compel anyone to believe, because there can be no compulsion in matters determined by reason and conscience: “Do you, then, try to compel people to believe?” (Verse 99) This is a rhetorical question which serves to emphasize that compulsion is not possible. “No human being can believe, except by God’s leave.” (Verse 100) This is again in accordance with the law God has set in operation and which we have already explained. No person will attain to faith if they follow the route which does not lead to faith. This statement does not mean that anyone will ever be prevented from attaining to faith if he wants to believe and follows the road of faith. What it means is that no one reaches belief and faith without following the proper steps along the route leading to faith. When a person makes this choice, God provides His guidance to that person who will then believe, by God’s leave. In other words, nothing happens except by God’s will. People follow their freely chosen ways, and God determines the consequences of every type of action. The result is the sum of these consequences. They receive their reward on the basis of how conscientiously they seek to be properly guided. This is confirmed by the ending of the same verse: “It is He who lays abomination on those who will not use their reason.” (Verse 100) Those who choose to shut their minds and decide not to reflect on the signs and proofs pointing to the right faith will suffer abomination, i.e. the worst type of spiritual impurity. This is what they deserve for not using their reason, which has resulted in their disbelief and denial of the truth. This is further explained by stating that signs and warnings will be of no benefit to people who will not believe. They do not reflect on them when they see them everywhere in the world around them: “Say: ‘Consider all that there is in the heavens and the earth.’ But of what benefit could all signs and warnings be to people who will not believe?” (Verse 101) Whether we take the final part of this verse as a rhetorical question or a straightforward statement, it signifies the same thing. There are numerous signs and pointers to the truth all around us in the heavens and the earth, but none of these will benefit the unbelievers, because they have chosen to close their eyes and minds to them. |
Ibn Kathir (English)
Sayyid Qutb
Al Jalalain
الطبري - جامع البيان
ابن كثير - تفسير القرآن العظيم
القرطبي - الجامع لأحكام
البغوي - معالم التنزيل
ابن أبي حاتم الرازي - تفسير القرآن
ابن عاشور - التحرير والتنوير
ابن القيم - تفسير ابن قيّم
السيوطي - الدر المنثور
الشنقيطي - أضواء البيان
ابن الجوزي - زاد المسير
الآلوسي - روح المعاني
ابن عطية - المحرر الوجيز
الرازي - مفاتيح الغيب
أبو السعود - إرشاد العقل السليم
الزمخشري - الكشاف
البقاعي - نظم الدرر
الهداية إلى بلوغ النهاية — مكي ابن أبي طالب
القاسمي - محاسن التأويل
الماوردي - النكت والعيون
السعدي - تيسير الكريم الرحمن
عبد الرحمن الثعالبي - الجواهر الحسان
السمرقندي - بحر العلوم
أبو إسحاق الثعلبي - الكشف والبيان
الشوكاني - فتح القدير
النيسابوري - التفسير البسيط
أبو حيان - البحر المحيط
البيضاوي - أنوار التنزيل
النسفي - مدارك التنزيل
ابن جُزَيّ - التسهيل لعلوم التنزيل
علي الواحدي النيسابوري - الوجيز
السيوطي - تفسير الجلالين
المختصر في التفسير — مركز تفسير
Overview (Verses 98 - 100) “Had it believed, every community would have profited by its faith. It was so only with Jonah’s people. When they believed, We lifted from them the suffering of disgrace in this life, and allowed them to enjoy things for a while.” (Verse 98) The way this verse is phrased expresses a dear wish concerning past events. This means that what was hoped for did not take place. ‘Had it believed, every community’ of those that have been mentioned would have profited by accepting the faith. But these communities did not believe as whole communities. Only a minority of each community accepted the divine faith. Hence, disbelief was the predominant feature of these communities. Jonah’s people were the one exception. This verse uses the term ‘town’ to refer to communities thereby indicating that God’s messages were centred in urban areas, and not among nomadic peoples. The sūrah does not provide a detailed account of the history of the Prophet Jonah and his people. It only refers to their end, because this is what is relevant here. It is sufficient that we learn that Jonah’s people were about to suffer a humiliating punishment. Then, when, at the last minute, they declared their acceptance of the divine faith and believed in God and His message, the punishment was lifted and they were allowed to enjoy life for a while. Had they persisted in their disbelief, God’s punishment would have overtaken them, in accordance with the law that determines consequences on the basis of people’s actions. This makes two points very clear. The first is an urgent address to those who deny the truth to save themselves if only at the last minute, as Jonah’s people did. This is the immediate purpose behind the reference to their history. The second point is that God’s law was not suspended or disrupted when the punishment was lifted and Jonah’s people were left to enjoy life for a further period. In fact God’s law took its full course. The law meant that they would be punished if they persisted in disbelief up to the point of punishment. But Jonah’s people changed their attitude just before, and so God’s law to lift the punishment was implemented. This shows that people are free to choose their line of action, but any action they do choose will have its natural consequences determined by God. This is followed by a general rule concerning faith and its acceptance or rejection: “Had your Lord so willed, all people on earth, in their entirety, would have believed. Do you, then, try to compel people to believe? No human being can believe, except by God’s leave. It is He who lays abomination on those who will not use their reason.” (Verses 99-100) Had God so willed, He would have created the human race in a different mould, allowing it to know only the path of faith, as He has done with the angels. Or He would have given human beings a single susceptibility leading them all to acceptance of the faith. In His wisdom, which we may or may not understand, God has created man with a dual susceptibility towards good and evil, to follow guidance or sink into error. He has given man free-will to choose his path. Furthermore, God has so willed that when any human being uses his feelings and faculties to understand the signs pointing to the way to faith, and when he reflects on the revelations and proofs given by God’s messengers, he will accept the divine faith. His belief will lead him along the way to salvation. On the other hand, when man shuts his mind and faculties to faith, his heart will be hardened and his mind closed. This leads him to deny the truth and, in consequence, to suffer the punishment God has determined for all unbelievers. This means that accepting the faith is a matter of choice. The Prophet does not compel anyone to believe, because there can be no compulsion in matters determined by reason and conscience: “Do you, then, try to compel people to believe?” (Verse 99) This is a rhetorical question which serves to emphasize that compulsion is not possible. “No human being can believe, except by God’s leave.” (Verse 100) This is again in accordance with the law God has set in operation and which we have already explained. No person will attain to faith if they follow the route which does not lead to faith. This statement does not mean that anyone will ever be prevented from attaining to faith if he wants to believe and follows the road of faith. What it means is that no one reaches belief and faith without following the proper steps along the route leading to faith. When a person makes this choice, God provides His guidance to that person who will then believe, by God’s leave. In other words, nothing happens except by God’s will. People follow their freely chosen ways, and God determines the consequences of every type of action. The result is the sum of these consequences. They receive their reward on the basis of how conscientiously they seek to be properly guided. This is confirmed by the ending of the same verse: “It is He who lays abomination on those who will not use their reason.” (Verse 100) Those who choose to shut their minds and decide not to reflect on the signs and proofs pointing to the right faith will suffer abomination, i.e. the worst type of spiritual impurity. This is what they deserve for not using their reason, which has resulted in their disbelief and denial of the truth. This is further explained by stating that signs and warnings will be of no benefit to people who will not believe. They do not reflect on them when they see them everywhere in the world around them: “Say: ‘Consider all that there is in the heavens and the earth.’ But of what benefit could all signs and warnings be to people who will not believe?” (Verse 101) Whether we take the final part of this verse as a rhetorical question or a straightforward statement, it signifies the same thing. There are numerous signs and pointers to the truth all around us in the heavens and the earth, but none of these will benefit the unbelievers, because they have chosen to close their eyes and minds to them. |