
Summary of Juz 28

Ayat: al-Mujadila 1 - at-Tahrim 12

Ayat: al-Mujadila 1 - at-Tahrim 12

Surah al-Hashr talks about the banishment of Bani Nadhir and secret relations between them and the hypocrites of Madinah. It exhorts the Believers to be firm in their faith in Allah and gives some of the Beautiful Names of Allah.

Surah al-Mumtahinah deals with the relations of Muslims with non-Muslims.  It tells Muslims on the one hand not to take the enemies of Allah as their allies and patrons, but on the other hand it tells them not to consider every non-Muslim as their enemy.

Surah as-Saff exhorts Muslims to defend the truth.  It tells them that this may involve fighting the enemies who may come to attack Muslims. The Surah speaks about Prophet Moses and his difficulties with his own people. He told them to follow Allah’s rules and they did not listen to him.  Then Allah sent Jesus among them and he also reminded them about Allah and gave them the good news of the coming of Prophet Muhammad(saw). But they continue in their stubborn denial. The Surah ends with the good news that the true religion will prevail in the end and Allah will give it victory.

Surah al-Jumuah talks about the negligence of Bani Israel in obeying the commands of Allah and becoming too much involved in worldly matters. They only carried the Books of Allah, but failed to follow these books.  Muslims are urged to observe the Friday prayer and should not get involved in business so much as to neglect the remembrance of Allah.

Surah at-Talaq and the following Surah al-Tahrim speak about family rules. The spouses should follow Allah’s rules whether they have disagreement with each other or they love each other. In this Surah the proper rules of divorce are given.  Do not just say the words of divorce and separate yourself from your wives, but give them their rights. It also reminds the Believers to obey Allah and His Messenger.  Those who disobey Allah are warned the consequences of their disobedience. Surah at-Tahrim tells the spouses not to ignore Allah’s rules in their love for each other.  It refers to an incident that took place between the Prophet and his wives.  This incident is used to instruct the Believers to understand the nature of Halal and Haram and to understand that the success and salvation in the Hereafter will not be based on family or tribal relations, but purely on faith in Allah.


  1. The custom of Dhihar is condemned. The rights of women should be protected.
  2. Allah is aware of the secret counsels of the hypocrites. Believers should not involve in such activities. The rules of gatherings in Islam.
  3. Be aware of the internal enemies also. Do not take as patrons those who are the enemies of Allah and His Messenger.
  4. The Banishment of the Jewish tribe of Banu Nadhir. The distribution of the spoils.
  5. The false promises of the hypocrites.
  6. The exhortation of the Believers to faith. The Beautiful Names of Allah.
  7. Do not take Allah's and your own enemies as your patrons and allies.
  8. It is allowed to have friendly relations with those non-Muslims who do not fight you in your religion and do not expel you from your lands. Some rules related to women who migrated to Madinah and their husbands had not accepted Islam.
  9. Struggle for the Truth. The light of Islam will shine more.
  10. The way of success for the believers is to struggle for the truth.
  11. Allah's favour upon Muslims that Allah sent His Prophet among them to teach them and to purify them. Bani Israel neglected the commands of Allah.
  12. Muslims are exhorted to observe the Friday prayers and always remember Allah.
  13. Criticism of hypocrisy.
  14. Exhortation of the Believers.
  15. Allah created human beings, some among them are believers and some non-believers.  He knows everything. He sent His Prophets to warn and remind.  Remember the Day of Judgment.
  16. Believe in Allah, purify your motives and be generous in giving for the cause of Allah.
  17. The Rules of Divorce.
  18. Warning to those who disobey the commands of Allah.
  19. The rules of Allah are supreme. Save yourselves and your families from fire.
  20. Allah requires true repentance. Salvation is not based on family or tribal relations but on Iman and Taqwa.

Unique Root Words to this Juz only

7 unique root words that do not appear in any other Juzz *

Juz Overview

Surahs al-Mujadilah, al-Hashr, al-Mumtahanah, as-Saff, al-Jumu`ah, al-Munafiqun, at-Taghabun, at-Talaq, at-Tahrim
Makki / MadaniMakki: 0
Madani: 9
Total Ayat137
Total Words *2618
Root Words *971
Unique Root Words *7